
Transcriptomics of the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae in Response to the Bacterial Antagonist Lysobacter enzymogenes Reveals Candidate Fungal Defense Response Genes

Plants and animals have evolved a first line of defense response to pathogens called innate or basal immunity. While basal defenses in these organisms are well studied, there is almost a complete lack of understanding of such systems in fungal species, and more specifically, how they are able to det...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mathioni, Sandra M., Patel, Nrupali, Riddick, Bianca, Sweigard, James A., Czymmek, Kirk J., Caplan, Jeffrey L., Kunjeti, Sridhara G., Kunjeti, Saritha, Raman, Vidhyavathi, Hillman, Bradley I., Kobayashi, Donald Y., Donofrio, Nicole M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2013
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