
Ethylene is involved in strawberry fruit ripening in an organ-specific manner

The fruit of the strawberry Fragaria×ananassa has traditionally been classified as non-climacteric because its ripening process is not governed by ethylene. However, previous studies have reported the timely endogenous production of minor amounts of ethylene by the fruit as well as the differential...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Merchante, Catharina, Vallarino, José G., Osorio, Sonia, Aragüez, Irene, Villarreal, Natalia, Ariza, María T., Martínez, Gustavo A., Medina-Escobar, Nieves, Civello, Marcos P., Fernie, Alisdair R., Botella, Miguel A., Valpuesta, Victoriano
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2013
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