
Genetic diversities of cytochrome B in Xinjiang Uyghur unveiled its origin and migration history

BACKGROUND: Uyghurs are one of the many populations of Central Eurasia that is considered to be genetically related to Eastern and Western Eurasian populations. However, there are some different opinions on the relative importance of the degree of Eastern and Western Eurasian genetic influence. In a...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ablimit, Abdurahman, Qin, Wenbei, Shan, Wenjuan, Wu, Weiwei, Ling, Fengjun, Ling, Kaitelynn H, Zhao, Changjie, Zhang, Fuchun, Ma, Zhenghai, Zheng, Xiufen
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2013
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