
E2F2 and CREB cooperatively regulate transcriptional activity of cell cycle genes

E2F2 is essential for the maintenance of T lymphocyte quiescence. To identify the full set of E2F2 target genes, and to gain further understanding of the role of E2F2 in transcriptional regulation, we have performed ChIP-chip analyses across the genome of lymph node–derived T lymphocytes. Here we sh...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Laresgoiti, Usua, Apraiz, Aintzane, Olea, Miguel, Mitxelena, Jone, Osinalde, Nerea, Rodriguez, José A., Fullaondo, Asier, Zubiaga, Ana M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2013
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