
Shared Subgenome Dominance Following Polyploidization Explains Grass Genome Evolutionary Plasticity from a Seven Protochromosome Ancestor with 16K Protogenes

Modern plant genomes are diploidized paleopolyploids. We revisited grass genome paleohistory in response to the diploidization process through a detailed investigation of the evolutionary fate of duplicated blocks. Ancestrally duplicated genes can be conserved, deleted, and shuffled, defining domina...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Murat, Florent, Zhang, Rongzhi, Guizard, Sébastien, Flores, Raphael, Armero, Alix, Pont, Caroline, Steinbach, Delphine, Quesneville, Hadi, Cooke, Richard, Salse, Jerome
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2013
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