
The sucrose–trehalose 6-phosphate (Tre6P) nexus: specificity and mechanisms of sucrose signalling by Tre6P

Trehalose 6-phosphate (Tre6P), the intermediate of trehalose biosynthesis, has a profound influence on plant metabolism, growth, and development. It has been proposed that Tre6P acts as a signal of sugar availability and is possibly specific for sucrose status. Short-term sugar-feeding experiments w...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Yadav, Umesh Prasad, Ivakov, Alexander, Feil, Regina, Duan, Guang You, Walther, Dirk, Giavalisco, Patrick, Piques, Maria, Carillo, Petronia, Hubberten, Hans-Michael, Stitt, Mark, Lunn, John Edward
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2014
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