
The fetal patient – ethical aspects of fetal therapy

The pregnant patient is a vulnerable subject, and even more so when a serious fetal condition is diagnosed. (Invasive) fetal therapy should only be offered when there is a good chance that the life of the fetus will be saved, or irreversible damage by the disease or disability is prevented. Followin...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Deprest, J., Toelen, J., Debyser, Z., Rodrigues, C., Devlieger, R., De Catte, L., Lewi, L., Van Mieghem, T., Naulaers, G., Vandevelde, M., Claus, F., Dierickx, K.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Universa Press 2011
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