
Evolutionarily conserved morphogenetic movements at the vertebrate head–trunk interface coordinate the transport and assembly of hypopharyngeal structures

The vertebrate head–trunk interface (occipital region) has been heavily remodelled during evolution, and its development is still poorly understood. In extant jawed vertebrates, this region provides muscle precursors for the throat and tongue (hypopharyngeal/hypobranchial/hypoglossal muscle precurso...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lours-Calet, Corinne, Alvares, Lucia E., El-Hanfy, Amira S., Gandesha, Saniel, Walters, Esther H., Sobreira, Débora Rodrigues, Wotton, Karl R., Jorge, Erika C., Lawson, Jennifer A., Kelsey Lewis, A., Tada, Masazumi, Sharpe, Colin, Kardon, Gabrielle, Dietrich, Susanne
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2014
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