
Wiskott–Aldrich Syndrome protein deficiency perturbs the homeostasis of B-cell compartment in humans()

Wiskott–Aldrich Syndrome protein (WASp) regulates the cytoskeleton in hematopoietic cells and mutations in its gene cause the Wiskott–Aldrich Syndrome (WAS), a primary immunodeficiency with microthrombocytopenia, eczema and a higher susceptibility to develop tumors. Autoimmune manifestations, freque...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Castiello, Maria Carmina, Bosticardo, Marita, Pala, Francesca, Catucci, Marco, Chamberlain, Nicolas, van Zelm, Menno C., Driessen, Gertjan J., Pac, Malgorzata, Bernatowska, Ewa, Scaramuzza, Samantha, Aiuti, Alessandro, Sauer, Aisha V., Traggiai, Elisabetta, Meffre, Eric, Villa, Anna, van der Burg, Mirjam
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Academic Press 2014
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