
Effects of Covering Behavior and Exposure to a Predatory Crab Charybdis japonica on Survival and HSP70 Expression of Juvenile Sea Urchins Strongylocentrotus intermedius

Predation is a complex process among predator, prey and environment. Juvenile sea urchins are more susceptible to predators than adults, which affects community structure. Behavior is involved in anti-predator responses by changes in the expression of anti-predator responsive genes. Here, we investi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Zhao, Chong, Ji, Nanjing, Zhang, Binglong, Sun, Ping, Feng, Wenping, Wei, Jing, Chang, Yaqing
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2014
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