
EPR Line Shifts and Line Shape Changes Due to Heisenberg Spin Exchange and Dipole–Dipole Interactions of Nitroxide Free Radicals in Liquids: 9. An Alternative Method to Separate the Effects of the Two Interactions Employing (15)N and (14)N

[Image: see text] A method to separate the effects of Heisenberg spin exchange (HSE) and dipole–dipole (DD) interactions on EPR spectra of nitroxide spin probes in solution by employing (15)N and (14)N nitroxide spin probes in parallel experiments is developed theoretically and tested experimentally...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bales, Barney L., Meyer, Michelle, Peric, Miroslav
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Chemical Society 2014
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