
Genome analyses of the carboxydotrophic sulfate-reducers Desulfotomaculum nigrificans and Desulfotomaculum carboxydivorans and reclassification of Desulfotomaculum caboxydivorans as a later synonym of Desulfotomaculum nigrificans

Desulfotomaculum nigrificans and D. carboxydivorans are moderately thermophilic members of the polyphyletic spore-forming genus Desulfotomaculum in the family Peptococcaceae. They are phylogenetically very closely related and belong to ‘subgroup a’ of the Desulfotomaculum cluster 1. D. nigrificans a...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Visser, Michael, Parshina, Sofiya N., Alves, Joana I., Sousa, Diana Z., Pereira, Inês A. C., Muyzer, Gerard, Kuever, Jan, Lebedinsky, Alexander V., Koehorst, Jasper J., Worm, Petra, Plugge, Caroline M., Schaap, Peter J., Goodwin, Lynne A., Lapidus, Alla, Kyrpides, Nikos C., Detter, Janine C., Woyke, Tanja, Chain, Patrick, Davenport, Karen W., Spring, Stefan, Rohde, Manfred, Klenk, Hans Peter, Stams, Alfons J.M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Michigan State University 2014
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