
Does the 2013 GOLD classification improve the ability to predict lung function decline, exacerbations and mortality: a post-hoc analysis of the 4-year UPLIFT trial

BACKGROUND: The 2013 GOLD classification system for COPD distinguishes four stages: A (low symptoms, low exacerbation risk), B (high symptoms, low risk), C (low symptoms, high risk) and D (high symptoms, high risk). Assessment of risk is based on exacerbation history and airflow obstruction, whateve...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Goossens, Lucas M A, Leimer, Inge, Metzdorf, Norbert, Becker, Karin, Rutten-van Mölken, Maureen PM H
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2014
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