
Piezo1 integration of vascular architecture with physiological force

The mechanisms by which physical forces regulate endothelial cells to determine the complexities of vascular structure and function are enigmatic(1-5). Studies of sensory neurons have suggested Piezo proteins as subunits of Ca(2+)-permeable non-selective cationic channels for detection of noxious me...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Li, Jing, Hou, Bing, Tumova, Sarka, Muraki, Katsuhiko, Bruns, Alexander, Ludlow, Melanie J, Sedo, Alicia, Hyman, Adam J, McKeown, Lynn, Young, Richard S, Yuldasheva, Nadira Y, Majeed, Yasser, Wilson, Lesley A, Rode, Baptiste, Bailey, Marc A, Kim, Hyejeong R, Fu, Zhaojun, Carter, Deborah AL, Bilton, Jan, Imrie, Helen, Ajuh, Paul, Dear, T Neil, Cubbon, Richard M, Kearney, Mark T, Prasad, Raj K, Evans, Paul C, Ainscough, Justin FX, Beech, David J
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: 2014
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