
Leptin’s metabolic and immune functions can be uncoupled at the ligand/receptor interaction level

The adipocyte-derived cytokine leptin acts as a metabolic switch, connecting the body’s metabolism to high-energy consuming processes such as reproduction and immune responses. We here provide genetic and biochemical evidence that the metabolic and immune functions of leptin can be uncoupled at the...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Zabeau, Lennart, Jensen, Cathy J., Seeuws, Sylvie, Venken, Koen, Verhee, Annick, Catteeuw, Dominiek, van Loo, Geert, Chen, Hui, Walder, Ken, Hollis, Jacob, Foote, Simon, Morris, Margaret J., Van der Heyden, José, Peelman, Frank, Oldfield, Brian J., Rubio, Justin P., Elewaut, Dirk, Tavernier, Jan
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer Basel 2014
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