
Detection and Quantification of Microparticles from Different Cellular Lineages Using Flow Cytometry. Evaluation of the Impact of Secreted Phospholipase A(2) on Microparticle Assessment

Microparticles, also called microvesicles, are submicron extracellular vesicles produced by plasma membrane budding and shedding recognized as key actors in numerous physio(patho)logical processes. Since they can be released by virtually any cell lineages and are retrieved in biological fluids, micr...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Rousseau, Matthieu, Belleannee, Clemence, Duchez, Anne-Claire, Cloutier, Nathalie, Levesque, Tania, Jacques, Frederic, Perron, Jean, Nigrovic, Peter A., Dieude, Melanie, Hebert, Marie-Josee, Gelb, Michael H., Boilard, Eric
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2015
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