
Prognostic Significance of POLE Proofreading Mutations in Endometrial Cancer

BACKGROUND: Current risk stratification in endometrial cancer (EC) results in frequent over- and underuse of adjuvant therapy, and may be improved by novel biomarkers. We examined whether POLE proofreading mutations, recently reported in about 7% of ECs, predict prognosis. METHODS: We performed targ...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Church, David N., Stelloo, Ellen, Nout, Remi A., Valtcheva, Nadejda, Depreeuw, Jeroen, ter Haar, Natalja, Noske, Aurelia, Amant, Frederic, Tomlinson, Ian P. M., Wild, Peter J., Lambrechts, Diether, Jürgenliemk-Schulz, Ina M., Jobsen, Jan J., Smit, Vincent T. H. B. M., Creutzberg, Carien L., Bosse, Tjalling
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2014
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