
In question: the scientific value of preclinical safety pharmacology and toxicology studies with cell-based therapies

A new cell-based medicinal product containing human regulatory macrophages, known as Mreg_UKR, has been developed and conforms to expectations of a therapeutic drug. Here, Mreg_UKR was subjected to pharmacokinetic, safety pharmacology, and toxicological testing, which identified no adverse reactions...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Broichhausen, Christiane, Riquelme, Paloma, Ahrens, Norbert, Wege, Anja K, Koehl, Gudrun E, Schlitt, Hans J, Banas, Bernhard, Fändrich, Fred, Geissler, Edward K, Hutchinson, James A
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 2014
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