
Prognostic Value of Malic Enzyme and ATP-Citrate Lyase in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer of the Young and the Elderly

BACKGROUND: Lung cancer is the leading cause of death among malignancies worldwide. Understanding its biology is therefore of pivotal importance to improve patient’s prognosis. In contrast to non-neoplastic tissues, cancer cells utilize glucose mainly for production of basic cellular modules ‘(i.e....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Csanadi, Agnes, Kayser, Claudia, Donauer, Marcel, Gumpp, Vera, Aumann, Konrad, Rawluk, Justyna, Prasse, Antje, zur Hausen, Axel, Wiesemann, Sebastian, Werner, Martin, Kayser, Gian
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2015
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