
Mitochondrial Disease-related Mutation G167P in Cytochrome b of Rhodobacter capsulatus Cytochrome bc(1) (S151P in Human) Affects the Equilibrium Distribution of [2Fe-2S] Cluster and Generation of Superoxide

Cytochrome bc(1) is one of the key enzymes of many bioenergetic systems. Its operation involves a large scale movement of a head domain of iron-sulfur protein (ISP-HD), which functionally connects the catalytic quinol oxidation Q(o) site in cytochrome b with cytochrome c(1). The Q(o) site under cert...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Borek, Arkadiusz, Kuleta, Patryk, Ekiert, Robert, Pietras, Rafał, Sarewicz, Marcin, Osyczka, Artur
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2015
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