
FIRST CASE OF HUMAN INFECTION BY Bertiella studeri (Blanchard, 1891) Stunkard,1940 (Cestoda; Anoplocephalidae) IN BRAZIL

Cestodes of the Bertiella genus are parasites of non-human primates found in Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas. Species Bertiella studeri and Bertiella mucronata could, accidentally, infect human beings. The infection occurs from ingestion of mites from the Oribatida order containing cysticerco...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: LOPES, Valeriana Valadares, dos SANTOS, Hudson Andrade, da SILVA, Amália Verônica Mendes, FONTES, Gilberto, VIEIRA, Gabriela Lisboa, FERREIRA, Arilton Carlos, da SILVA, Eduardo Sergio
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Instituto de Medicina Tropical 2015
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