
Live Births from Domestic Dog (Canis familiaris) Embryos Produced by In Vitro Fertilization

Development of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in the dog has resisted progress for decades, due to their unique reproductive physiology. This lack of progress is remarkable given the critical role ART could play in conserving endangered canid species or eradicating heritable disease throug...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Nagashima, Jennifer B., Sylvester, Skylar R., Nelson, Jacquelyn L., Cheong, Soon Hon, Mukai, Chinatsu, Lambo, Colleen, Flanders, James A., Meyers-Wallen, Vicki N., Songsasen, Nucharin, Travis, Alexander J.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2015
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