
Evidence of Intense Chromosomal Shuffling during Conifer Evolution

Although recent advances have been gained on genome evolution in angiosperm lineages, virtually nothing is known about karyotype evolution in the other group of seed plants, the gymnosperms. Here, we used high-density gene-based linkage mapping to compare the karyotype structure of two families of c...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: de Miguel, Marina, Bartholomé, Jérôme, Ehrenmann, François, Murat, Florent, Moriguchi, Yoshinari, Uchiyama, Kentaro, Ueno, Saneyoshi, Tsumura, Yoshihiko, Lagraulet, Hélène, de Maria, Nuria, Cabezas, José-Antonio, Cervera, María-Teresa, Gion, Jean Marc, Salse, Jérôme, Plomion, Christophe
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2015
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