
Nutritional Characteristics of Forage Grown in South of Benin

In order to provide recommendations on the most useful forage species to smallholder farmers, eleven grass and eleven legume forages grown in Abomey-Calavi in Republic of Benin were investigated for nutritive value (i.e. chemical composition and energy content) and fermentation characteristics (i.e....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Musco, Nadia, Koura, Ivan B., Tudisco, Raffaella, Awadjihè, Ghislain, Adjolohoun, Sebastien, Cutrignelli, Monica I., Mollica, Maria Pina, Houinato, Marcel, Infascelli, Federico, Calabrò, Serena
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies (AAAP) and Korean Society of Animal Science and Technology (KSAST) 2016
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