
A phase I trial of ANG1/2-Tie2 inhibitor trebaninib (AMG386) and temsirolimus in advanced solid tumors (PJC008/NCI♯9041)

Background There is crosstalk between the ANG-Tie2 and the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathways. Combined ANG1/2 and mTOR blockade may have additive anti-cancer activity. The combination of trebananib, an inhibitor of ANG1/2-Tie2 interaction, with temsirolimus was evaluated in patients with advanced solid tumors...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Chiu, Joanne W., Hotte, Sebastien J., Kollmannsberger, Christian K., Renouf, Daniel J., Cescon, David W., Hedley, David, Chow, Sue, Moscow, Jeffrey, Chen, Zhuo, Perry, Meghan, Diaz-Padilla, Ivan, Tan, David, Hirte, Hal, McWhirter, Elaine, Chen, Helen, Siu, Lillian L., Bedard, Philippe L.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer US 2015
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