
Randomized Trial of Telephone Outreach to Improve Medication Adherence and Metabolic Control in Adults With Diabetes

OBJECTIVE: Medication nonadherence is a major obstacle to better control of glucose, blood pressure (BP), and LDL cholesterol in adults with diabetes. Inexpensive effective strategies to increase medication adherence are needed. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: In a pragmatic randomized trial, we random...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: O’Connor, Patrick J., Schmittdiel, Julie A., Pathak, Ram D., Harris, Ronald I., Newton, Katherine M., Ohnsorg, Kris A., Heisler, Michele, Sterrett, Andrew T., Xu, Stanley, Dyer, Wendy T., Raebel, Marsha A., Thomas, Abraham, Schroeder, Emily B., Desai, Jay R., Steiner, John F.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Diabetes Association 2014
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