
MB3W1 is an orthotopic xenograft model for anaplastic medulloblastoma displaying cancer stem cell- and Group 3-properties

BACKGROUND: Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor in children and can be divided in different molecular subgroups. Patients whose tumor is classified as a Group 3 tumor have a dismal prognosis. However only very few tumor models are available for this subgroup. METHODS: We establi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Dietl, Sebastian, Schwinn, Stefanie, Dietl, Susanne, Riedel, Simone, Deinlein, Frank, Rutkowski, Stefan, von Bueren, Andre O., Krauss, Jürgen, Schweitzer, Tilmann, Vince, Giles H., Picard, Daniel, Eyrich, Matthias, Rosenwald, Andreas, Ramaswamy, Vijay, Taylor, Michael D., Remke, Marc, Monoranu, Camelia M., Beilhack, Andreas, Schlegel, Paul G., Wölfl, Matthias
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2016
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