
A mix-and-read drop-based in vitro two-hybrid method for screening high-affinity peptide binders

Drop-based microfluidics have recently become a novel tool by providing a stable linkage between phenotype and genotype for high throughput screening. However, use of drop-based microfluidics for screening high-affinity peptide binders has not been demonstrated due to the lack of a sensitive functio...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Cui, Naiwen, Zhang, Huidan, Schneider, Nils, Tao, Ye, Asahara, Haruichi, Sun, Zhiyi, Cai, Yamei, Koehler, Stephan A., de Greef, Tom F. A., Abbaspourrad, Alireza, Weitz, David A., Chong, Shaorong
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 2016
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