
The rate of quasiparticle recombination probes the onset of coherence in cuprate superconductors

In the underdoped copper-oxides, high-temperature superconductivity condenses from a nonconventional metallic ”pseudogap” phase that exhibits a variety of non-Fermi liquid properties. Recently, it has become clear that a charge density wave (CDW) phase exists within the pseudogap regime. This CDW co...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hinton, J. P., Thewalt, E., Alpichshev, Z., Mahmood, F., Koralek, J. D., Chan, M. K., Veit, M. J., Dorow, C. J., Barišić, N., Kemper, A. F., Bonn, D. A., Hardy, W. N., Liang, Ruixing, Gedik, N., Greven, M., Lanzara, A., Orenstein, J.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 2016
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