
Uncommon functional properties of the first piscine 26S proteasome from the Antarctic notothenioid Trematomus bernacchii

Protein homoeostasis is a fundamental process allowing the preservation of functional proteins and it has a great impact on the life of the Antarctic organisms. However, the effect of low temperatures on protein turnover is poorly understood and the cold-adaptation of the degradation machinery remai...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Gogliettino, Marta, Balestrieri, Marco, Riccio, Alessia, Facchiano, Angelo, Fusco, Carmela, Palazzo, Vincenzo Cecere, Rossi, Mosè, Cocca, Ennio, Palmieri, Gianna
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Portland Press Ltd. 2016
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