
DREAMTools: a Python package for scoring collaborative challenges

DREAM challenges are community competitions designed to advance computational methods and address fundamental questions in system biology and translational medicine. Each challenge asks participants to develop and apply computational methods to either predict unobserved outcomes or to identify unkno...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Cokelaer, Thomas, Bansal, Mukesh, Bare, Christopher, Bilal, Erhan, Bot, Brian M., Chaibub Neto, Elias, Eduati, Federica, de la Fuente, Alberto, Gönen, Mehmet, Hill, Steven M., Hoff, Bruce, Karr, Jonathan R., Küffner, Robert, Menden, Michael P., Meyer, Pablo, Norel, Raquel, Pratap, Abhishek, Prill, Robert J., Weirauch, Matthew T., Costello, James C., Stolovitzky, Gustavo, Saez-Rodriguez, Julio
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: F1000Research 2016
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