
Antagonist Xist and Tsix co-transcription during mouse oogenesis and maternal Xist expression during pre-implantation development calls into question the nature of the maternal imprint on the X chromosome

During the first divisions of the female mouse embryo, the paternal X-chromosome is coated by Xist non-coding RNA and gradually silenced. This imprinted X-inactivation principally results from the apposition, during oocyte growth, of an imprint on the X-inactivation master control region: the X-inac...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Deuve, Jane Lynda, Bonnet-Garnier, Amélie, Beaujean, Nathalie, Avner, Philip, Morey, Céline
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Taylor & Francis 2015
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