
Transposon-Based Reporter Marking Provides Functional Evidence for Intercellular Bridges in the Male Germline of Rabbits

The Sleeping Beauty transposon system was established as a robust and efficient method for germline transgenesis in different mammalian species. The generation of transgenic mice, rats, rabbits and swine carrying an identical Venus reporter construct delivered by transposon-mediated gene transfer en...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hoffmann, Orsolya I., Kerekes, Andrea, Lipták, Nandor, Hiripi, Laszlo, Bodo, Szilard, Szaloki, Gabor, Klein, Sabine, Ivics, Zoltan, Kues, Wilfried A., Bosze, Zsuzsanna
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2016
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