
The Andromonoecious Sex Determination Gene Predates the Separation of Cucumis and Citrullus Genera

Understanding the evolution of sex determination in plants requires the cloning and the characterization of sex determination genes. Monoecy is characterized by the presence of both male and female flowers on the same plant. Andromonoecy is characterized by plants carrying both male and bisexual flo...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Boualem, Adnane, Lemhemdi, Afef, Sari, Marie-Agnes, Pignoly, Sarah, Troadec, Christelle, Abou Choucha, Fadi, Solmaz, Ilknur, Sari, Nebahat, Dogimont, Catherine, Bendahmane, Abdelhafid
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2016
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