
A Case of Unicornuate Uterus with Atypical Located Hyperstimulated Ovary after in Vitro Fertilization Pre-Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET)

The authors describe a case of a congenital Mullerian anomaly, uterus unicornis with missing right fallopian tube. An in Vitro Fertilization Pre-Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET) procedure was done and presently is known that the patient has left fallopian tube and left ovary, two kidneys, and right ovary is...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Angelova, Mariya Angelova, Kovachev, Emil Georgiev, Kisyov, Stefan Vasilev, Ivanova, Vilislava Robert
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Institute of Immunobiology and Human Genetics 2015
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