
Experiences from a pilot study on how to conduct a qualitative multi-country research project regarding use of antibiotics in Southeast Europe

BACKGROUND: In 2014, a qualitative multi-country research project was launched to study the reasons behind the high use of antibiotics in regions of Southeast Europe by using previously untrained national interviewers (who were engaged in other antibiotic microbial resistance-related investigations)...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kaae, Susanne, Sporrong, Sofia Kälvemark, Traulsen, Janine Morgall, Wallach Kildemoes, Helle, Nørgaard, Lotte Stig, Jakupi, Arianit, Raka, Denis, Gürpinar, Emre Umut, Alkan, Ali, Hoxha, Iris, Malaj, Admir, Cantarero, Lourdes Arevalo
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2016
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