
The Imaramagambo Onchocerciasis Focus in Southwestern Uganda: Interruption of Transmission after Disappearance of the Vector Simulium neavei and Its Associated Freshwater Crabs

It was not until early 1990s that, when the Imaramagambo focus of southwest Uganda was mapped, mass treatment with a single annual dose of ivermectin for onchocerciaisis control commenced. However, comprehensive investigations on its transmission were launched after a nationwide policy for onchocerc...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Katabarwa, Moses N., Katamanywa, James, Lakwo, Thomson, Habomugisha, Peace, Byamukama, Edson, Oguttu, David, Nahabwe, Christine, Ngabirano, Monica, Tukesiga, Ephraim, Khainza, Annet, Tukahebwa, Edridah, Unnasch, Thomas R., Richards, Frank O., Garms, Rolf
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2016
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