
Human feeding biomechanics: performance, variation, and functional constraints

The evolution of the modern human (Homo sapiens) cranium is characterized by a reduction in the size of the feeding system, including reductions in the size of the facial skeleton, postcanine teeth, and the muscles involved in biting and chewing. The conventional view hypothesizes that gracilization...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ledogar, Justin A., Dechow, Paul C., Wang, Qian, Gharpure, Poorva H., Gordon, Adam D., Baab, Karen L., Smith, Amanda L., Weber, Gerhard W., Grosse, Ian R., Ross, Callum F., Richmond, Brian G., Wright, Barth W., Byron, Craig, Wroe, Stephen, Strait, David S.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: PeerJ Inc. 2016
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