
School Distribution as Keep-Up Strategy to Maintain Universal Coverage of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets: Implementation and Results of a Program in Southern Tanzania

Tanzania successfully scaled up coverage of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) through mass campaigns. To sustain these gains, a school-based approach was piloted in the country’s Southern Zone starting in 2013, called the School Net Program 1 (SNP1). We report on the design, implementation, mon...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lalji, Shabbir, Ngondi, Jeremiah M, Thawer, Narjis G, Tembo, Autman, Mandike, Renata, Mohamed, Ally, Chacky, Frank, Mwalimu, Charles D, Greer, George, Kaspar, Naomi, Kramer, Karen, Mlay, Bertha, Issa, Kheri, Lweikiza, Jane, Mutafungwa, Anold, Nzowa, Mary, Willilo, Ritha A, Nyoni, Waziri, Dadi, David, Ramsan, Mahdi M, Reithinger, Richard, Magesa, Stephen M
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Global Health: Science and Practice 2016
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