
Mp1p Is a Virulence Factor in Talaromyces (Penicillium) marneffei

BACKGROUND: Talaromyces marneffei is an opportunistic dimorphic fungus prevalent in Southeast Asia. We previously demonstrated that Mp1p is an immunogenic surface and secretory mannoprotein of T. marneffei. Since Mp1p is a surface protein that can generate protective immunity, we hypothesized that M...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Woo, Patrick C. Y., Lau, Susanna K. P., Lau, Candy C. Y., Tung, Edward T. K., Chong, Ken T. K., Yang, Fengjuan, Zhang, Hongmin, Lo, Raymond K. C., Cai, Jian-Pao, Au-Yeung, Rex K. H., Ng, Wing-Fung, Tse, Herman, Wong, Samson S. Y., Xu, Simin, Lam, Wai Hei, Tse, Man-Kit, Sze, Kong Hung, Kao, Richard Y., Reiner, Neil E., Hao, Quan, Yuen, Kwok-Yung
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2016
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