
Neural mechanisms and personality correlates of the sunk cost effect

The sunk cost effect, an interesting and well-known maladaptive behavior, is pervasive in real life, and thus has been studied in various disciplines, including economics, psychology, organizational behavior, politics, and biology. However, the neural mechanisms underlying the sunk cost effect have...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Fujino, Junya, Fujimoto, Shinsuke, Kodaka, Fumitoshi, Camerer, Colin F., Kawada, Ryosaku, Tsurumi, Kosuke, Tei, Shisei, Isobe, Masanori, Miyata, Jun, Sugihara, Genichi, Yamada, Makiko, Fukuyama, Hidenao, Murai, Toshiya, Takahashi, Hidehiko
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 2016
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