
Efficacy and effectiveness trials have different goals, use different tools, and generate different messages

The discussion about the optimal design of clinical trials reflects the perspectives of theory-based scientists and practice-based clinicians. Scientists compare the theory with published results. They observe a continuum from explanatory to pragmatic trials. Clinicians compare the problem they want...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Porzsolt, Franz, Rocha, Natália Galito, Toledo-Arruda, Alessandra C, Thomaz, Tania G, Moraes, Cristiane, Bessa-Guerra, Thais R, Leão, Mauricio, Migowski, Arn, Araujo da Silva, André R, Weiss, Christel
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Dove Medical Press 2015
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