
The Chronic Encephalopathy of Parry Romberg Syndrome and En Coupe De Sabre with a 31-Year-History in a West Indian Woman: Clinical, Immunologic and Neuroimaging Abnormalities

We describe a case of Parry Romberg syndrome/en coupe de sabre in a woman whose disease started as seizures at age 8 but was diagnosed at the age 39. During these 31 years she got married, completed a first degree at university, had two successful pregnancies and has been gainfully employed. The fea...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Seegobin, Karan, Abdool, Kamille, Ramcharan, Kanterpersad, Dyaanand, Haramnauth, Rampersad, Fidel
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: PAGEPress Publications, Pavia, Italy 2016
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