
Ostéosynthèse des fractures des métacarpiens et des phalanges de la main par mini plaque: à propos de 12 cas

Treatment of unstable fractures of metacarpals and phalanges remains subject of controversy. Few series have been reported in the literature, making their analysis difficult. We provide a retrospective study involving 12 patients, operated on by this technique for displaced fractures of the metacarp...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Moncef, Erraji, Abdelhafid, Derfoufi, Abdessamad, Kharraji, Omar, Agoumi, Najib, Abdeljaouad, Abdelkrim, Daoudi, Hicham, Yacoubi
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The African Field Epidemiology Network 2016
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