
Case report: whole exome sequencing of primary cardiac angiosarcoma highlights potential for targeted therapies

BACKGROUND: Primary cardiac angiosarcomas are rare, but they are the most aggressive type of primary cardiac neoplasms. When patients do present, it is with advanced pulmonary and/or cardiac symptoms. Therefore, many times the correct diagnosis is not made at the time of initial presentation. These...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Zhrebker, Leah, Cherni, Irene, Gross, Lara M., Hinshelwood, Margaret M., Reese, Merrick, Aldrich, Jessica, Guileyardo, Joseph M., Roberts, William C., Craig, David, Von Hoff, Daniel D., Mennel, Robert G., Carpten, John D.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2017
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