
Transcriptome-wide characterization of the endogenous miR-34A-p53 tumor suppressor network

microRNA-34A is a critical component of the p53 network and expression of miR- 34A is down-regulated by promoter hypermethylation or focal deletions in numerous human cancers. Although miR-34A deregulation may be an important driver in cancer, the endogenous role of this microRNA in cellular homeost...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Samuel, Nardin, Wilson, Gavin, Said, Badr Id, Pan, Anna, Deblois, Genevieve, Fischer, Nicholas W., Alexandrova, Roumiana, Casallo, Guillermo, Paton, Tara, Lupien, Mathieu, Gariepy, Jean, Merico, Daniele, Hudson, Thomas J., Malkin, David
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Impact Journals LLC 2016
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