
Mineralizing Filamentous Bacteria from the Prony Bay Hydrothermal Field Give New Insights into the Functioning of Serpentinization-Based Subseafloor Ecosystems

Despite their potential importance as analogs of primitive microbial metabolisms, the knowledge of the structure and functioning of the deep ecosystems associated with serpentinizing environments is hampered by the lack of accessibility to relevant systems. These hyperalkaline environments are deple...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Pisapia, Céline, Gérard, Emmanuelle, Gérard, Martine, Lecourt, Léna, Lang, Susan Q., Pelletier, Bernard, Payri, Claude E., Monnin, Christophe, Guentas, Linda, Postec, Anne, Quéméneur, Marianne, Erauso, Gaël, Ménez, Bénédicte
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Frontiers Media S.A. 2017
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