
The high-field magnet endstation for X-ray magnetic dichroism experiments at ESRF soft X-ray beamline ID32

A new high-field magnet endstation for X-ray magnetic dichroism experiments has been installed and commissioned at the ESRF soft X-ray beamline ID32. The magnet consists of two split-pairs of superconducting coils which can generate up to 9 T along the beam and up to 4 T orthogonal to the beam. It i...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kummer, K., Fondacaro, A., Jimenez, E., Velez-Fort, E., Amorese, A., Aspbury, M., Yakhou-Harris, F., van der Linden, P., Brookes, N. B.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: International Union of Crystallography 2016
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