
Flexibility of habitat use in novel environments: insights from a translocation experiment with lesser black-backed gulls

Being faced with unknown environments is a concomitant challenge of species' range expansions. Strategies to cope with this challenge include the adaptation to local conditions and a flexibility in resource exploitation. The gulls of the Larus argentatus-fuscus-cachinnans group form a system in...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: van Toor, Mariëlle L., Arriero, Elena, Holland, Richard A., Huttunen, Markku J., Juvaste, Risto, Müller, Inge, Thorup, Kasper, Wikelski, Martin, Safi, Kamran
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The Royal Society Publishing 2017
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