
North Andean origin and diversification of the largest ithomiine butterfly genus

The Neotropics harbour the most diverse flora and fauna on Earth. The Andes are a major centre of diversification and source of diversity for adjacent areas in plants and vertebrates, but studies on insects remain scarce, even though they constitute the largest fraction of terrestrial biodiversity....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lisa De-Silva, Donna, Mota, Luísa L., Chazot, Nicolas, Mallarino, Ricardo, Silva-Brandão, Karina L., Piñerez, Luz Miryam Gómez, Freitas, André V.L., Lamas, Gerardo, Joron, Mathieu, Mallet, James, Giraldo, Carlos E., Uribe, Sandra, Särkinen, Tiina, Knapp, Sandra, Jiggins, Chris D., Willmott, Keith R., Elias, Marianne
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 2017
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